If you do not have a specialization listed in PAWS, complete a Specialization Declaration Form and submit it to Dr. Zakiya Adair, IS Program Director, at intst@tcnj.edu. If you have any questions about which specialization to choose, please set up a meeting with your advisor.
Major Requirements – 12 Course Units
Only 1 course at the 100-level may be counted toward a specialization.
INT 200 / International Studies – 1 Course Unit
ECO 102 / Principles of Macroeconomics – 1 Course Unit
Foreign Language – 2 Course Units at 200 Level or Above
History – 1 Course Units
HIS 370: The US in World History
HIS 386: US Diplomacy in the American Century
Political Science – 1 Course Units
POL 330: US Foreign Policy
POL 335: International Organization
Humanities – 1 Course Unit
AAS 210: Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender English Caribbean
AAS 280/WGS 260: Women of African Descent in Global Perspective
HGS 200: Holocaust and Human Rights
HGS 210: Intro to Peace Studies
HGS 370: Topics in Holocaust and Genocide Studies (if relevant)
HIS 120: Topics, Modern Europe
HIS 130: Topics, Asia
HIS 158: Colonial Latin America
HIS 161: History of Mexico
HIS 167: Indian-White Relations
HIS 316: Topics in Modern Europe
HIS 323: Eastern Europe since 1939
HIS 324: Women in Eastern Europe: 1848 – Present
HIS 325: Modern Germany
HIS 327: European Society since 1789
HIS 334: Modern East Asia
HIS 335: Modern Japan
HIS 336: Late Imperial China
HIS 337: Twentieth-Century China
HIS 339: History of Modern India
HIS 341: Islamic World
HIS 342: Modern Middle East
HIS 348: Imperial Russia
HIS 349: Soviet Union
HIS 352: Colonial and Modern Africa
HIS 354: South African History
HIS 359: Modern Latin America
HIS 364: History of the Caribbean
HIS 370: The US in World History
HIS 383: United States since 1946
HIS 386: US Diplomacy in the American Century
HIS 450: Readings Seminar in History: Modern Asia
HIS 452: Readings Seminar in History: Middle East
HIS 454: Readings Seminar in History: Modern Eurasia
HIS 456: Readings Seminar in History: Modern Africa
HIS 458: Readings Seminar in History: Modern Latin America
HIS 460: Readings Seminar in History: Modern North America
HIS 461: Readings Seminar in History: Modern Europe
HIS 464: Readings Seminar in History: Modern World
HIS 465: Reading Seminar in History: South Asia
ITL 355: Migration in Italian Cinema
Social Science – 1 Course Unit
ANT 315: Ethnicity, Race, and Nation
ANT 340: Social Change in Latin America
CRI 340: International Terrorism
POL 330: US Foreign Policy
POL 335: International Organization
POL 337: International Law
POL 345: Human Rights International Relations
POL 362: Islam and Politics
POL 370: Special Topics in Political Science (if relevant)
POL 380: International Political Economy
POL 390: Tutorial in Political Science (if relevant)
POL 498: Seminar in Political Science (if relevant)
SOC 370: Topics in Sociology (if relevant)
SOC 381: Economic & Social Development in China
WGS 168: Gender, History, and US Immigration
WGS 222: Non-Violence and Peace Action
WGS 375: Global Feminisms
WGS 377: Gender Politics of Development: Africa
WGS 380: Gender and Democracy
WGS 381: Women and Migration
Business – 1 Course Unit
INB 260: Multinational Firms (ECO 101/102 prereq)
BUS 360: Issues in International Business
ECO 120: European Economic Thought
ECO 210: History of Economic Thought
ECO 310: Money, Credit & Financial Market (ECO 102 prereq)
ECO 335: Economics of Development (ECO 101 prereq)
ECO 340: International Economics (ECO 102 prereq)
ECO 345: Comparative Economic Systems (ECO 102 prereq)
FIN 340: International Finance (FIN 201 prereq)
FIN 335/INB 330: Capital Flows & Currency Crisis (ECO 102 prereq)
MKT 340: Marketing in International Environment (MKT 201 prereq)
Diplomacy Electives – 2 Course Units
AAS 210: Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender English Caribbean
AAS 280/WGS 260: Women of African Descent in Global Perspective
AAS 375: Black Feminist Thought
AAH 212: Arts of the Islamic World
ANT 315: Ethnicity, Race, and Nation
ANT 340: Social Change in Latin America
ARA 171: Contemporary Arab World
BUS 360: Issues in International Business
CHI 171: Contemporary China
CHI 370: Topics in Chinese
CHI 371: Topics in Chinese in English
CHI 391: Independent Study in Chinese
COM 415 International Communication
CRI 340: International Terrorism
ECO 120: European Economic Thought
ECO 210: History of Economic Thought
ECO 310: Money, Credit & Financial Market
ECO 335: Economics of Development
ECO 340: International Economics
ECO 345: Comparative Economic Systems
FIN 340: International Finance
FRE 370: Topics in French
FRE 371: Topics in French (English)
GER 216: Current Events in German World
GER 370: Topics in German
HGS 200: Holocaust and Human Rights
HGS 210: Intro to Peace Studies
HGS 370: Topics in Holocaust and Genocide Studies (if relevant)
HIS 120: Topics, Modern Europe
HIS 130: Topics, Asia
HIS 158: Colonial Latin America
HIS 161: History of Mexico
HIS 167: Indian-White Relations
HIS 187: Topics: World History (when relevant)
HIS 189: World History from the Margins: Imperialism and Colonialism
HIS 230: Modern World History & Geography (when relevant)
HIS 316: Topics in Modern Europe
HIS 323: Eastern Europe since 1939
HIS 324: Women in Eastern Europe: 1848 – Present
HIS 325: Modern Germany
HIS 327: European Society since 1789
HIS 334: Modern East Asia
HIS 335: Modern Japan
HIS 336: Late Imperial China
HIS 337: Twentieth-Century China
HIS 339: History of Modern India
HIS 341: Islamic World
HIS 342: Modern Middle East
HIS 348: Imperial Russia
HIS 349: Soviet Union
HIS 352: Colonial and Modern Africa
HIS 354: South African History
HIS 359: Modern Latin America
HIS 364: History of the Caribbean
HIS 370: The US in World History
HIS 383: United States since 1946
HIS 386: US Diplomacy in the American Century
HIS 389: War in Western Society
HIS 450: Readings Seminar in History: Modern Asia
HIS 452: Readings Seminar in History: Middle East
HIS 454: Readings Seminar in History: Modern Eurasia
HIS 456: Readings Seminar in History: Modern Africa
HIS 458: Readings Seminar in History: Modern Latin America
HIS 460: Readings Seminar in History: Modern North America
HIS 461: Readings Seminar in History: Modern Europe
HIS 464: Readings Seminar in History: Modern World
HIS 465: Readings Seminar in History: South Asia
INB 260: Multinational Firms
INT 361: The Middle East through Literature and Film
ITL 216: Current Events in Italian-Speaking World
ITL 355: Migration in Italian Cinema
JPN 370: Topics in Japanese
JPN 371: Topics in Japanese (English)
JPN 391: Independent Study in Japanese
LIT 227: Global Animated Film
LIT 233: World Drama
LIT 380: Representations of the Holocaust
POL 130: International Relations
POL 150: Comparative Politics
POL 200: Political Analysis
POL 330: US Foreign Policy
POL 335: International Organization
POL 337: International Law
POL 345: Human Rights International Relations
POL 362: Islam and Politics
POL 370: Special Topics in Political Science (if relevant)
POL 380: International Political Economy
POL 390: Tutorial in Political Science (if relevant)
POL 498: Seminar in Political Science (if relevant)
REL 320: Holocaust: History and Religious Perspective
RUS 370: Topics in Russian
SOC 370: Topics in Sociology (if relevant)
SOC 381: Economic & Social Development in China
SPA 216: Current Events in Spanish Speak World
WGS 168: Gender, History, and US Immigration
WGS 222: Non-Violence and Peace Action
WGS 365: Black Feminist Thought
WGS 375: Global Feminisms
WGS 377: Gender Politics of Development: Africa
WGS 380: Gender and Democracy
WGS 381: Women and Migration
INT 498 / Senior Seminar in International Studies – 1 Course Unit
Plus minimum of 1 semester study abroad experience (includes some courses which will fulfill above requirements). Courses in languages taken during study abroad (not offered at TCNJ) may be counted as electives toward this specialization. Topics courses must have a relevant topic to count towards the major.