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Spring 2025 Advising Guide

Advising Guide graphic


The Spring 2025 International Studies Core course offerings are listed below. For students who have declared a specializations, utilize the PAWS Academic Requirements report to search for courses offered in the International Studies specializations. Students who have not yet declared a specialization should use the What If report and add their future specialization in the Program Scenario section (next to Major – International Studies under the specialization column). From the What If report, click on the class you are interested in and then “View Class Sections” to see if it’s offered in the spring semester. You can then add the course to your shopping cart.



Spring 2025 Core Courses

The following courses are being offered in the Spring 2025 semester and fulfill the IS major's Core Requirements.

Course Type Course Title Instructor Day Time Room
ECO 102
1 course unit
ECO 102 01 Principles of Macroeconomics Samanta,Subarna M-TH 8:00 - 9:20 AM BUSI224
ECO 102 02 Principles of Macroeconomics Samanta,Subarna M-TH 9:30 - 10:50 AM BUSI224
ECO 102 03 Principles of Macroeconomics Samanta,Subarna M-TH 12:30 - 1:50 PM BUSI226
ECO 102 04 Principles of Macroeconomics Greenblatt,Matthew T-F 8:00 - 9:20 AM BUSI226
ECO 102 05 Principles of Macroeconomics Greenblatt,Matthew T-F 9:30 - 10:50 AM BUSI226
ECO 102 07 Principles of Macroeconomics Liu,Jingxi T-F 9:30 - 10:50 AM BUSI124
ECO 102 08 Principles of Macroeconomics Liu,Jingxi T-F 11:00 - 12:20 PM BUSI124
ECO 102 09 Principles of Macroeconomics Nelson,Howard M 5:30 - 8:20 PM TREN106
ECO 102 10 Principles of Macroeconomics Nelson,Howard T 5:30 - 8:20 PM BUSI226
Senior Seminar in
International Studies
INT 498 01 Social Movements & Popular Protests Toloudis, Nicholas T 3:30 - 6:20 PM SOCI241
Special Topics Course
that counts for a
Humanities course
for all
IS Specializations
INT 370 01 Graffiti and Social Movements khasawnih, alma M-TH 2:00 - 3:20 PM SCIEC122A


INT Course Descriptions

INT 498-01: Social Movements and Popular Protests

This course will provide students with an overview of the prominent theories of social movements and popular protest. These theories are designed to answer a series of questions about social movements: where they come from, how and why they last, how and why they end, under what circumstances they have an impact on politics and policy, and how they respond to efforts to repress them. We will also study a series of cases, including the American civil rights movement, European labor activism, anti-authoritarian protest in Africa and Latin America, and others.

INT 370-01: Graffiti & Social Movements

This course investigates the role of informal ephemeral public visual culture (graffiti, murals, posters, stickers, etc.) that are produced during moments of social, cultural, political movements, unrest, and revolution. Through intersectional transnational and Third World feminist perspectives, this course looks at the roles of these artifacts have in our understandings of gender, race, sexuality, nation, religion, class, and other categories of identity across different geographies such as the United States of America, Brasil, and Palestine, to name a few.

