If you do not have a specialization listed in PAWS, complete a Specialization Declaration Form and submit it to Dr. Zakiya Adair, IS Program Director, at intst@tcnj.edu. If you have any questions about which specialization to choose, please set up a meeting with your advisor.
Major Requirements – 12 Course Units
Only 1 course at the 100-level may be counted toward a specialization.
INT 200 / International Studies – 1 Course Unit
ECO 102 / Principles of Macroeconomics – 1 Course Unit
Foreign Language – 2 Course Units at 200 Level or Above
History – 1 Course Unit
HIS 323: Eastern Europe since 1939
HIS 324: Women in Eastern Europe: 1848 – Present
HIS 325: Modern Germany
HIS 327: European Society since 1789
HIS 348: Imperial Russia
HIS 349: Soviet Union
Political Science – 1 Course Unit
POL 350: European Politics
Humanities – 1 Course Unit
AAH 221: Arts of Medieval Europe
AAH 231: Arts of Renaissance Europe
AAH 253: Twentieth-Century Art
AAH 344: Women, Art, and Society
AAH 331: Art of the Italian Renaissance
AAH 343: 19th Century Art
AAH 332: Baroque and Rococo Art
HGS 200: Holocaust and Human Rights
HGS 210: Intro to Peace Studies
HGS 370: Topics in Holocaust and Genocide Studies (if relevant)
HIS 112: Medieval Society
HIS 117: Early Modern British History
HIS 119: Twentieth-Century Europe
HIS 120: Topics in Modern Europe
HIS 130: Contemporary Russia
HIS 149: History of Russian Film
HIS 316: Topics in Modern Europe
HIS 323: Eastern Europe since 1939
HIS 324: Women in Eastern Europe: 1848 – Present
HIS 325: Modern Germany
HIS 327: European Society since 1789
HIS 348: Imperial Russia
HIS 349: Soviet Union
HIS 461: Readings Seminar, Europe
HIS 462: Readings Seminar, Early Europe
ITL 355: Migration in Italian Cinema (taught in English)
LIT 231: World Literature to 1700
LIT 232: World Literature since 1700
LIT 251: British Literature to 1700
LIT 252: British Literature since 1700
LIT 321: Shakespeare’s Sources and Contexts
LIT 343: Late Medieval Writers
LIT 346: Romanticism
LIT 347: Modern European Drama
LIT 354: Middle English Literature
LIT 357: Early Modern British Literature
LIT 358: British Lit & Religion: 1550-1700
LIT 359: The 18th Century British Novel
LIT 360: British Augustanism and its Rivals
LIT 361: British Romanticism
LIT 362: Victorian Era
LIT 363: The 19th Century British Novel
LIT 366: The 20th Century British Novel
LIT 367: British Drama
LIT 380: Representations of the Holocaust
LIT 394: Topics in Comparative Literature (if relevant)
LIT 499: Seminar in Research and Theory (if relevant)
REL 305: Ancient Christianity
REL 313: Medieval Christianity
REL 320: Holocaust: Historical and Religious Perspective
WGS/AAS 252: Gendering the Harlem Renaissance: Black Paris
Social Science – 1 Course Unit
CRI 340: International Terrorism
POL 130: International Relations
POL 335: International Organization
POL 345: Human Rights in International Relations
POL 350: European Union
POL 351: Politics of the European Union
POL 370: Topics In Political Science (if relevant)
POL 380: International Political Economy
POL 390: Tutorial in Political Science (if relevant)
POL 498: Seminar in Political Science (if relevant)
SOC 303: Women in World Perspective
SOC 312: Holocaust as Genocide: Sociological Perspective
SOC 370: Topics in Sociology (if relevant)
Business – 1 Course Unit
INB 260: Multinational Firms
BUS 360: Issues in International Business Law
ECO 120: European Economic History
ECO 210: History of Economic Thought
ECO 310: Money, Credit & Financial mark
ECO 335: Economics of Development
ECO 340: International Economics
ECO 345: Comparative Economic Systems
FIN 335: Capital Flows & Currency Crisis
FIN 340: International Finance
INB 330: Capital Flows and Currency Crisis
INB 350: International Trade in the Caribbean
INB 365: International Trade Operations
INB 370: Topics in International Business
INB 391: Independent Study in International Business
MGT 310: Cross-Cultural Management
MKT 340: Marketing in International Environment
European Studies Electives – 2 Course Units
FRE 211: Intermediate French Composition and Conversation
FRE 223: Experiential Learning
FRE 240: Introduction to French Literature
FRE 241: Introduction to African Francophone Literature
FRE 255: French for Business
FRE 270: Intermediate Topics in French
FRE 301: Advanced French Conversation and Composition I
FRE 302: Advanced French Conversation and Composition II
FRE 305: Maghrebian Literature & Cultures
FRE 322: Cultural Aspects of Contemporary France
FRE 370: Topics in French (French)
FRE 371: Topics in French (English)
FRE 391: Independent Study in French
HIS 320: 20th Century Europe
WLC 220: Introduction to Romance Linguistics (with LAC)
WLC 270: Intermediate Topics in World Languages (with LAC)
WLC 321: Introduction to Historical Linguistics (with LAC)
WLC 370: Topics in World Languages (with LAC)
WLC 371: Topics in Foreign Literature in English (with LAC)
HIS 320: 20th Century Europe
ITL 171: Modern Italian Society
ITL 203: Intermediate Oral Proficiency
ITL 211: Intermediate Italian Composition and Conversation
ITL 216: Current Events in the Italian Speaking World
ITL 217: Introduction History and Culture
ITL 223: Experiential Learning
ITL 240: Introduction to Italian Literature
ITL 255: Italian for Business
ITL 270: Intermediate Topics in Italian
ITL 312: Italy Since Unification
ITL 327: Italian Short Story
ITL 350: Twentieth-Century Italian Literature and Culture
ITL 351: Italian Cinema from 1945 to the Present
ITL 367: The Italian South
ITL 370: Topics in Italian (Italian)
ITL 371: Topics in Italian (English)
ITL 391: Independent Study in Italian
ITL 497: Italian Senior Seminar
WLC 220: Introduction to Romance Linguistics (with LAC)
WLC 270: Intermediate Topics in World Languages (with LAC)
WLC 321: Introduction to Historical Linguistics (with LAC)
WLC 370: Topics in World Languages (with LAC)
WLC 371: Topics in Foreign Literature in English (with LAC)
GER 103: German for Beginners III
GER 171: Contemporary German-Speaking World
GER 201: Intermediate German
GER 202: Intro to German Literature
GER 203: German Grammar Review
GER 223: Experiential Learning
GER 255: Business German
GER 270: Intermediate Topics in German
GER 370: Topics in German
GER 391: Independent Study in German
HIS 118: 19th Century Europe (with LAC)
HIS 316: Modern Europe (with LAC)
HIS 325: Modern Germany (with LAC)
HIS 320: 20th Century Europe
SPA 203: Intermediate Oral Proficiency
SPA 210: Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPA 211: Intermediate Writing Proficiency
SPA 215: Spanish Phonetics
SPA 216: Current Events in the Spanish-speaking World
SPA 217: Introduction to Hispanic Culture
SPA 218: Business Spanish
SPA 219: Spanish for Medical Purposes
SPA 223: Experiential Learning (.5 unit)
SPA 241: Introduction to Literature in Spanish
SPA 270: Intermediate Topics
SPA 301: Advanced Spanish Grammar
SPA 302: Advanced Spanish Oral Proficiency
SPA 303: Culture and Society of Spain
SPA 311: Survey of Spanish Peninsular Literature
SPA 323: 20th Century Hispanic Theater
SPA 327: Hispanic Short Story
SPA 348: Seminar in Hispanic Film
SPA 350: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
SPA 353: Contemporary Literature of Spain
SPA 370: Topics
SPA 372: History of the Spanish Language
SPA 391: Independent Study
WLC 220: Introduction to Romance Linguistics (with LAC)
WLC 270: Intermediate Topics in World Languages (with LAC)
WLC 321: Introduction to Historical Linguistics (with LAC)
WLC 370: Topics in World Languages (with LAC)
WLC 371: Topics in Foreign Literature in English (with LAC)
AAH 221: Arts of Medieval Europe
AAH 231: Arts of Renaissance Europe
AAH 253: Twentieth-Century Art
AAH 344: Women, Art, and Society
AAH 343: 19th Century Art
AAH 332: Baroque and Rococo Art
CRI 340: International Terrorism
HGS 370: Topics in Holocaust and Genocide Studies
HIS 187: Topics: World History (when relevant)
HIS 230: Modern World History & Geography (when relevant)
HIS 461: Readings Seminar, Europe
HIS 462: Readings Seminar, Early Europe
ITL 355: Migration in Italian Cinema (taught in English)
LIT 231: World Literature to 1700
LIT 232: World Literature since 1700
LIT 251: British Literature to 1700
LIT 252: British Literature since 1700
LIT 321: Shakespeare’s Sources and Contexts
LIT 343: Late Medieval Writers
LIT 346: Romanticism
LIT 347: Modern European Drama
LIT 354: Middle English Literature
LIT 357: Early Modern British Literature
LIT 358: British Literature and Religion: 1550-1700
LIT 359: The 18th Century British Novel
LIT 360: British Augustanism and its Rivals
LIT 361: British Romanticism
LIT 362: Victorian Era
LIT 363: The 19th Century British Novel
LIT 366: The 20th-Century British Novel
LIT 367: British Drama
LIT 380: Representations of the Holocaust
LIT 394: Topics in Comparative Literature (if relevant)
POL 130: International Relations
POL 150: Comparative Politics
POL 335: International Organization
POL 345: Human Rights in International Relations
POL 351: Politics of the European Union
POL 370: Topics In Political Science (if relevant)
POL 380: International Political Economy
POL 390: Tutorial in Political Science (if relevant)
POL 498: Seminar in Political Science (if relevant)
REL 305: Ancient Christianity
REL 313: Medieval Christianity
REL 320: Holocaust: Historical and Religious Perspective
SOC 303: Women in World Perspective
SOC 312: Holocaust as Genocide: Sociological Perspective
SOC 370: Topics in Sociology (if relevant)
INT 498 / Senior Seminar in International Studies – 1 Course Unit
Plus minimum of 1 semester study abroad experience (includes some courses which will fulfill above requirements). Courses in relevant European languages taken during study abroad (not offered at TCNJ) will be counted as electives toward this specialization. Topics courses must have a relevant topic to count towards the major.